We got almost 4 feet of snow in the past week. That is really true, look it up if you don't believe me. Click here It's a coincidence he named this ICY, well I think it is, maybe not. Look at the rest of this cause this post is taking me a long time to write
I shot these photos with a Canon G-11 I'm posting this fuzzy photo because I think this camera is lousy!!! I dropped my Panasonic Lumix LX3 off a roof while documenting the Love Letters and while it still worked, I needed a replacement and and it was out of stock so I got the G-11 instead and it's just not as good. Sorry, but it's not and if the owners of Panasonic are reading this, you should sponsor me!!!
this is what the window looks like from inside, kinda the same but backwards.
Steve used to be at war with the Mural Arts back in the day and legend has it, there were many bloody battles but now everyone is friends and loverlee like. (By "legend" I mean i just made that up, sort of)
the view from this side
Le Josh, aka El Josh
These kids can't control themselves
Tony Smyrski and Max Lawrence of Free News and stuff. They put out the book. You should buy it cause it's really nice and it's gonna sell out really soon. No kidding. Get it now!! BUY HERE
Lots of stuff to look at
see what I'm saying?
Jesse Olanday!!
While I like to complain about my camera, this photo is not pixelated, it's the way Steve's sweater just is in real life
Book signing!
I like all green lights! It's my biggest pet peeve, stinking red lights!!!
you should visit the bathroom and rest on the padded seat
this is what I look like when standing next to Joey Garfield. He is working on a Love Letters Movie. Yes, I said movie. Check out his work HERE!!
this is a dog photo break, enjoy!
It's a pretty dog
That is the actual coffee machine from the old shop! It really is!!
This thing was cool. If I was really good at computers, I could probably hook it up so you could hear it too
That's Joe Boruchow's poster on the right. Check out his work
Paint trays
Brian Campbell from Philly Mural arts
Who knows where these raincoats have been before? I do, and it was in Paris!! Look it up yourself
Ari! can't talk about it
he hangs a mean pretzel. Well actually, it's not a mean pretzel, it a lovely one
I really shouldn't post this photo. The guys were talking about some REALLY shady business. I wasn't listening! I promise!!
I love these signs
vs vs
walking around after the opening
ran into a guy with a fresh ESPO tattoo
What's missing? cigs, that's what's missing! The Tough Shits are not smoking because Nosmo King now rules the upstairs bar at tattoo Moms
Andy from the Stalkers
end of a good night!!
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